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The Spid


Decades ago, researchers conducted their work from remote locations, far removed from urban business centers. As a result, many of their efforts occurred behind a figurative and geographic shield of secrecy. As demands for work-life balance increase, communication channels broaden and urban centers enjoy a new phase of growth and development, institutions are beginning to recognize a factor that the former model could not effectively deliver: collaboration through proximity.

The St. Pete Innovation District (SPID) was established as a public-private partnership in 2016. Today, membership exceeds 50 organizations within the Life Science, Marine Science, and Technology sectors, as well as those focused on Entrepreneurship and Education. Many of these institutions are within a designated boundary of the District, while others are engaged from throughout the region and nation.

See below for a map of the Innovation District.
Click "See All Our Partners" above the map for details about the organizations involved.

SPID utilizes a framework in which three types of assets create an innovative ecosystem — the Economic Assets (institutions), the Physical Assets (infrastructure) and the Networking Assets (connections between institutions).

Additional details about the District framework, metrics, and example collaborations can be found in our reports.

The origin of the St. Pete Innovation District was grounded in the possibilities of increased economic vibrancy and innovative problem solving.
The District has continued to evolve as potential is unleased and creative solutions are discovered.


Johns Hopkins All Children's Hospital
Orlando Health Bayfront Hospital
U.S. Geological Survey
Poynter Institute
City of St. Petersburg
University of South Florida St. Petersburg campus
United States Coast Guard
Duke Energy
Dalí Museum
Maritime and Defense Technology Hub
Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission
USF's College of Marine Science
ARK Innovation Center
NOAA Fisheries Southeast Regional Office

The St. Pete Innovation District is located south of downtown St. Petersburg, Florida. The 560+ acres area is bordered by several unique neighborhoods. Many of the member organizations have a footprint in the District. Others collaborate on District activities from their locations across the region and nation.

District Master Planning Initiative



Lauren Bell
Hub Community Manager
District Community Manager
Amber Pacetti
Hub Coordinator

Board Members

Jeff Baker
Vice President
Government and Community Relations Manager
Julie Rocco
Director of Strategic Investments
Belinthia Berry
Board Member
Dean of Workforce Development
Brian Caper
Board Member (ex-officio)
Director of Economic and Workforce Development
James Corbett
Board Member (ex-officio)
City Development Administrator
Jenine Rabin
Board Member
Executive Vice President of Foundation
Sarah Gilbert
Board Member
Chief Operating Officer
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