The last couple of months have been challenging - physically, emotionally and mentally. Small moments of normalcy like celebrating Halloween are strange and welcome - at the same time. Last night, the Innovation District participated in USF's Halloween Fest with our Mad Scientist booth. It was so much fun to see the kids dressed up, and the USF and City decorated vehicles/tents.
Just before the storms we held our first focus group for the District Master Plan. We are working now to reschedule the sessions that had to be moved. The new schedule will be published on our website by early next week. In the meantime, we continue to collect ideas via our online tool (click here).
We are also had to reschedule our breakfast on Future Air Mobility and have set a date for our next workshop on Ocean-Ready Climate Resiliency.
I hope you enjoy your treat (or trick) tonight. Happy Halloween!
Alison Barlow
Executive Director
There were several accomplishments in 2024 we haven't had a chance to share yet. Thank you to our anchor institutions and partners that made this possible. 1st major grant - $13.9M NOAA 1st District Master Plan 2nd District Impact Report published 3rd year of the Maritime and Defense Technology Hub