The St. Petersburg Maritime and Defense Technology Hub in the Innovation District is a shared workspace that brings together under one roof the triple helix of innovation: industry, government, and academia.
The St. Petersburg Innovation District is committed to addressing STEAM workforce gaps. The District collaborates with educational institutions, STEAM program providers and employers that are particularly focused on providing youth with exposure, access and resources to pursue careers in the Grow Smarter target industries.
The St. Pete Ocean Team, formed in 2009, is comprised of over 20 complementary firms, government entities, and institutions that are located near one another, many in the St. Pete Innovation District. Their purpose is to pool collective expertise, infrastructure and research capabilities to grow the regional and national ocean enterprise.
The Communications Cohort, formed in 2017, brings together marketing and communications professionals from the District member organizations to envision joint events and collaborate on stories about our innovative people and projects.
The St. Petersburg Science Festival is an annual regional celebration where families and the public can explore the wonders of hands-on science, technology, engineering, art, and math (STEAM).
There are numerous resources to support entrepreneurs and existing businesses in their journeys. These diverse support resources are spread across multiple cities and counties. The Tampa Bay Innovation Ecosystem map is an easy-to-use visual guide.
The Master Planning effort takes a comprehensive look at the places and spaces in and adjacent to the Innovation District. The District was formed in 2016 and early planning efforts included a strategic plan and a placemaking and streetscape design. As the District has evolved, updates to those efforts include recommendations to allow for pedestrian oriented amenities, neighborhood scale cafes, and expanded use of office space.
Originally called the Ocean and Human Health Working Group and focused on the interconnection of the health of Tampa Bay, the Gulf and other waterways, with the health of our community, particularly children. This effort has expanded to look at several facets of healthcare innovation.
The Smart City effort began in 2019 with the SPID’s admission into the US Ignite Smart Gigabit Communities program. SPID is a test bed for the city, and assists in the exploration of smart city technologies and their usefulness to the community.