What is TEC Garage CO.STARTERS?CO.STARTERS is a 9-week facilitator-led course, offered once a week for three hours. The cohort based program equips aspiring entrepreneurs with the insights, relationships, and tools needed to turn ideas into action and turn a passion into a sustainable and thriving endeavor!COURSE DETAILSApplications due: March 21, 2018Classes run: March 28-May 23, 2018, 6 – 9 p.m.Location: TEC Garage – St. Petersburg, 244 2nd Avenue North, 33701Cost: $275 (includes course materials, free Discovery session, access to TEC Garage events and networking opportunities)Receive TWO months free coworking in TEC Garage upon graduation – $150 value.It’s time to turn your business idea into action! Register today.FACILITATOR AND SPECIAL GUESTS
Facilitator: Chris Paradies, president of Paradies Law, P.A.CURRICULUMWhat is covered?You will develop and fine-tune your business idea, receiving constructive feedback from peers, advisors, and potential customers. By updating your approach based on real-time feedback you will be able to pivot or move forward. The nine-week course curriculum is taught by Chris Paradies, president of Paradies Law, P.A. and includes:CURRICULUMWeek 1: Knowing Yourself: Assumptions, Working Styles, Team Building, ObstaclesWeek 2: Knowing Your Customer: Problem. Solution, Benefit, Competition, Advantage, CustomerWeek 3: Getting the Relationship Right: Marketing & Message, Getting, Keeping & Growing CustomersWeek 4: Building the Model to Scale: Starting Small, Distribution, Revenue, Typical Sale, PriceWeek 5: Strengthening Your Structure: Business Structures, Licenses, IP, HiringWeek 6: Discovering the Bottom Line: Startup & Ongoing Needs, Fixed/Variable Costs, Break-Even PointWeek 7: Accounting for Growth: Break-Even Point, Sales Projections, Cash Flow, AccountingWeek 8: Planning for the Future: Raising Capital, Growth Plans, Goal Setting, Pitch PrepWeek 9: CELEBRATION NIGHT! Sharing your story.