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What's new in Dunedin science? (Taste of Science)

Tuesday, April 23, 2019
7:00 pm
Tuesday, April 23, 2019
9:00 pm
Tuesday, April 23, 2019
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About This Event

We're bringing the taste of science festival to Cueni Brewing for a night of local scientists sharing beer and science. Thee speakers will take the stage for the latest science-focused talks coming out of Dunedin.$5 tickets are available.Speakers (so far) include:Clearwater Marine Aquarium Bottlenose Dolphin Dorsal Identification Research - Dorsal identification involves taking high-quality photography of wild resident bottlenose dolphin dorsal fins and using unique fin markings to tell one apart from the other. Studying dolphins not only allows us to better understand their community but ecosystem health as a whole. This presentation will be an overview of our study, the unique stories of some of our study animals, and what we hope to learn from our data.More information to come!

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